Are you sick and tired of dealing with huge piles of snow all over your property? If you live in an area like Minnesota or upstate New York, you know all about the white stuff. A suffocating blanket of snow plummets down on your front and back yard every winter season. And, just like clockwork, you soon find yourself outside in freezing weather, huffing and puffing with shovel in hand.
It’s time to break the cycle of frustration that rears its ugly head in the days following the Thanksgiving holiday. You can opt out of the white winter blahs by giving yourself a gift that truly will keep on giving. You can get yourself a shiny brand new snow thrower.
Don’t be driven to despair every time the temperature falls and the snowflakes begin to collect on your window. A snow thrower is the machine you need to throw off the heavy snow and uncover the beauty of your property once more. And the time for you to buy yourself this amazing new unit is now.
Here’s Our Pick For the Best Electric Snow Blower:
There are a wide variety of electric snow thrower models available on the modern marketplace. It’s up to you to choose the one that works best for your personal needs. You can do this by applying a number of criteria to the situation. For example, how big is your yard? How much snow do you expect to encounter on a daily or weekly basis? And how long do you want to spend outside clearing away the snow?
When all of these considerations enter the picture, an answer should quickly emerge. You will naturally want to pick the electric snow thrower that best fits all of the above criteria. For many customers, the new Snow Joe Ultra SJ623E is the one. This handy new electric unit has made the top of many a wish list compiled by industry experts as well as eager consumers.
The Snow Joe Ultra SJ623E can move 720 pounds of snow in a minute. It can then throw this snow up to 25 feet away. It runs on nothing but good old fashioned electrical power, which means no gas or oil spills. If you have been searching for a snow thrower that is every bit as cost effective as it is safe, this is one that you should definitely arrange to take a closer look at.
What Features Should You Look for in a New Snow Thrower?
The whole point of buying a snow thrower is to get snow off your property as quickly and cleanly as possible. The first thing you need to consider is just how large of a unit you will need to accomplish this task. Snow throwers come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. It’s up to you to choose the unit that is right for your personal needs.
The size and extent of your property should be the determining factor when it comes to buying a new snow thrower. If you only have an apartment with a small outside patio, you don’t need a massive 21-inch unit. You can buy a small portable snow thrower that will clear off your patio and front steps in a hurry. There is simply no need to throw away money on a larger model.
On the other hand, if you are a home owner with a considerable piece of property to clear snow from, you may have to go large. There are a number of 18-inch and 21-inch sized motors that can help you move massive amounts of snow in a very short amount of time. This may well be the type of unit that works best when it comes to clearing off a mountain of the white stuff from a larger sized yard.
What Different Kinds of Snow Throwers are Available to Buy?
There are several different types of snow throwers. You can choose from gasoline powered engines or those that run purely on electrical power. If you are on a budget and really need to save your pennies, an electrically driven unit is the much better choice. This type of snow thrower is also much more friendly on the environment as it will never spill oil or emit noxious fumes.
Snow throwers that run on gasoline are available in different sizes. You can generally buy a snow thrower that is equipped with a single stage, twin stage, or even triple stage engine. By contrast, electric snow throwers are usually only available in a single stage format.
One thing you should never do is associate a single stage engine with a slow or inefficient performance. Today’s modern electrically powered snow throwers are models of powerful and long lasting action. The fact that they run on an efficient, pollution-free power source only adds to their appeal.
Should You Choose a Corded or Cordless Snow Thrower?
Your next consideration will be whether to choose a corded or cordless model. If you choose a corded model, the price will very likely be less. However, you will be tethered to a certain range of motion and will very likely have to change to a new source of power in order to completely clear your entire yard. This may cause problems if you don’t have an outlet handy. You may have to use a massive extension cord or carry around a portable electric generator in order to keep going.
The better bet will probably be to spend a little bit extra in order to get the fully cordless model. The upside here is that you never have to worry about running out of cord and having to stop halfway through to switch to a new outlet. The slight downside is that you will have to charge up the unit before you can make use of it. But as long as you remember to do so, you should have no problem using this device.
Make Sure to Choose a Snow Thrower That Can Support Attachments
You don’t really have to choose a snow thrower that can support various types of attachments. But if you can find one that does, it’s an excellent idea to do so. For example, if your snow thrower can support an attachment such as a snow cab, you really should spring for it.
A snow cab is a sort of umbrella device that attaches to the front of your snow thrower unit. You can huddle under this umbrella while you use the unit on your lawn. This way, you won’t have to worry about being frozen to death by snow blowing back at you and accumulating in the area under your scarf and snow cap. It’s a handy item that will save you a great deal of dignity and possibility prevent you catching a nasty cold.
Don’t Pay Too Much for Your New Electric Snow Thrower
Our last piece of advice may seem trite but it remains applicable. Don’t pay too much for your new electric snow thrower. This means that you should plan ahead. If you can find a company on the web that will agree to supply you with a snow thrower in July, take the deal. It will probably even earn you a discount if you agree to take such an item off their hands at the height of their off-season.
You can use the web to mount an all-out price comparison shopping trip. There is no reason for you to ever get “taken” on a bad deal when it’s so easy to list all of the different models and compare them. Using the web is the best way to shop in 2025.
Snow Blower Reviews: What are the Hottest New Electric Throwers on the Market?
There are a wide number of exciting new electrically powered snow throwers on the market. These new machines are bigger, better, faster, and safer than all of the units that have come before. This means that you will not only get a better machine for your money but also a more efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost effective product.
With this being said, the actual model you choose to be your own personal snow thrower will depend on a number of factors. The models listed below are some of the most popular and best selling snow throwers currently available. As you go through the list, you will be able to compare the features of each in order to come to your final decision.
Snow Joe Ultra SJ623E 18-Inch 15-Amp Electric Snow Thrower
Have you been searching for the ultimate electric snow thrower? The new Snow Joe Ultra may well be the one that best fits your needs. It’s purely electric, which means no costly gas or oil to buy and no visits to the repair shop for tune-ups. It’s the ultimate cost effective model, easy to maintain and even easier on the environment.
The Snow Joe Ultra comes complete with a specially designed discharge chute that can quickly be adjusted to a full 180 degree angle. All you have to do is reach down and rotate the chute crane. This gives you the ability to throw snow in any direction you choose. In fact, the Snow Joe Ultra can throw snow to a maximum distance of 25 feet.
This electric snow thrower comes equipped with a 15-amp motor that is able to easily move up to 720 pounds of snow per minute. If you live in a heavy snow area like Toronto or Buffalo, this is the ultimate good news. When you buy the new Snow Joe Ultra, you are getting a unit that can stand up to even the heaviest winter weather conditions. You also have a guarantee that this new electric snow thrower will last you for years to come.
Snow Joe Ultra SJ625E 21-Inch 15-Amp Electric Snow Thrower
Is it possible for a snow thrower to get even more powerful? This is a question that the brand new Snow Joe Ultra 21-inch model is able to answer with a resounding yes. If you really want to throw some snow, this is the heavy duty model that gets the job done better and faster.
The Snow Joe Ultra 21-inch model has all of the features of its smaller cousin. However, as you may expect, the motor and its snow throwing abilities have been ramped up even further. This baby not only gives you the same high quality performance that you have come to expect from a Snow Joe, but takes things to a whole new level of efficiency.
The Snow Joe Ultra 21-inch throws 800 pounds of snow per minute. That’s a lot of heavy duty action for such a compact model. As with its smaller cousin, the motor runs purely on electricity. Once you charge it up for the job, it will last for hours. Best of all, you will never need to worry about having to stop to add extra gas, oil, or other costly ingredients. Pure electric snow throwing power is the norm here.
Greenworks 20-Inch 13 Amp Corded Snow Thrower 2600502
The new Greenworks 20-inch model packs a lot of power into a relatively small space. This is more power than you could ever previously expect from a completely electrical model. When you purchase this new Greenworks unit, you can expect to receive a 13 amp motor alternative to gas that is guaranteed to deliver powerful and efficient results.
The unit works on a specially designed 120 volt charger. Once the Greenworks snow thrower is fully powered up, you can use it to throw snow for a distance of up to 20 feet. Wherever you choose to pile up the snow, it will be far enough away from your own property to where you simply won’t notice or care.
Thanks to an adjustable 180 degree directional chute, you can throw that snow in any direction you choose. This not only makes snow throwing more easily managed, it also makes the experience far more enjoyable. If you’re going to be out there in the cold winter weather, you may as well make a game of it in order to pass the time. The new Greenworks model will help you get the job done quick so you can get back inside.
Snow Joe SJ615E 15-Inch 11-Amp Electric Snow Blower
Check Latest Price →Not every home owner is going to find themselves “blessed” with the need to clear snow off a massive property every winter. If your property is more compact, you won’t need to spend big bucks on a huge new snow thrower. With that in mind, we invite you to have a look at the amazing new Snow Joe SJ615E. It’s a smaller sized unit that still packs enough of a punch to get the job done in a hurry.
This new compact model runs on a deceptively powerful 11-amp motor that is capable of moving up to 440 pounds of snow per minute right out of your way. It runs on pure electrical power, which means no more fumbling around with costly and dangerous fuels like oil or gasoline. It runs more smoothly and is a great deal friendlier on the environment as a result.
Added to its green-friendly nature is its undeniable efficiency. This unit comes equipped with a specially designed dual-blade plastic auger that cuts a swath some 15 inches wide by 8 inches deep at each pass. If you want to be done with the job in a hurry, this is the model you should consider for your smaller sized property.
Snow Joe 323E 13-Inch 10-Amp Electric Snow Shovel
If you own a brownstone home or are currently renting, you certainly don’t need to feel responsible for blowing the snow off a large area. You can get by with a smaller model that is much more ideal for quick and simple snow removal. The new Snow Joe 323E is perfect for blowing snow off your outside steps, patios, curbs, and sidewalks.
But don’t get the idea that this new portable snow thrower is any kind of lightweight that can’t get out of its own way. It comes complete with a very efficient and powerful 10-amp motor that can easily move up to 400 pounds of snow per minute. This new snow thrower is small enough to fit easily in a closet but more than able to push snow far away from your sidewalk and front steps.
The compact Snow Joe 323E comes with a 2-blade paddle auger that is able to quickly cut a 13 inch wide by 6 inch swath through any pile of snow within a very few seconds. At every pass, the mound of snow you are dealing with will disappear even further. You can then throw the snow up to 15 feet away in any direction you choose.
Snow Joe iON18SB Ion Cordless Single Stage Brushless Snow Blower with Rechargeable Ecosharp 40-volt Lithium-Ion Battery
Are you still out there searching for the ultimate in portability? If so, you’re bound to be delighted with the new Snow Joe Ion Cordless model. This handy, lightweight snow thrower does away with the bulkiness that makes carrying and even storing these units such a cumbersome chore. If you want your snow thrower to be as portable as possible, this new 32 pound model will more than satisfy your needs.
The new Snow Joe Ion Cordless model has been specially designed to be the ultimate ally when it comes to quickly clearing off porches, driveways, sidewalks, and decks. It comes with a newly designed 40 volt 4.0 Ah EcoSharp rechargeable lithium-ion battery. If you aren’t familiar with such a device, all you really need to know is that it will easily power up the unit for a full 50 minutes of quiet, efficient operation.
The model comes with a steel auger that includes a dual rubber blade system. When in full swing, the unit will quickly move up to 495 pounds of snow per minute. The auger system will clear a snow-free path that measures 18 inches wide by 8 inches deep. Best of all, the blades are so precise that you never have to worry about risking serious damage to the underlying surface.
What Else Do You Need to Know Before You Make Your Decision?
At the end of the day, it will be up to you to make the best possible decision as to what new electric snow thrower to come home with. As has been shown, there are plenty of exciting new models to choose from. The size of your property, the amount of snow you expect to deal with, and the cost effectiveness of the unit you are considering will all play a part in your decision.
Another major factor will be just how much power you need to invest in your snow thrower. You can opt for one of the smaller models on this list or go whole hog with the full 21-inch unit. If you want to get the job done in a hurry, this may be the way to go. However, if you prefer to approach the task with a bit more finesse, a smaller unit may match your needs with more aplomb.
No matter which unit you care to choose, there is one important factor to keep in mind at all times. Your selection of a fully electrical powered snow thrower will have a positive impact not only on your own lawn but on the environment you live in as well.
By choosing to use electrical power, you will be ridding your block of one more noisy, pollution causing, gas-powered machine. This is a worthy act that you deserve to be commended for. And now that you know the facts and figures, it’s time to make your choice.