This Electric Home

Tom Collins, Founder of This Electric Home
While the average home buyer may not understand every single intrinsic advantage that comes with owning an all-electric home, they definitely understand improved safety and convenience. And they will warm to the concept of saving money.
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Great Ways To Go Electric
Why Go Electric?
Are you anxious to save the most money on your next home purchase? You may even have considered seizing the bull by the horns and building your own new home. If this is the case, energy use and all-around efficiency will be uppermost on your mind. These are issues you can solve by building an all-electric home.
Even if you are simply looking for an affordable and energy-efficient new home to buy, there are plenty of all-electric properties on the market. In fact, the total number of electric homes is growing larger by the day.
This is because they are not only easier and more efficient to run but are also safer to live in. In the very near future, all-electric homes will be the accepted development norm.
Energy Efficiency
One of the biggest motivations for people who are buying electric homes is energy efficiency. The hazards of using natural gas and other fossil fuels have long been known. For many years, home buyers simply put up with them because no other efficient means of energy had yet been discovered. This is quite simply no longer the case.
In the 21st century, you can use heat pumps, air conditioning, and water heaters that are fully electric. This means that every utility in your home, from the heat pump to the water heater to all of your other energy sources, can now be fully electric. You no longer need to rely on conventional gas appliances for air or water heating.
Best of all, an all-electric home is one that has no use of greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuels in any shape or form. All-electric homes rely purely on energy-efficient electric appliances instead of the old fashioned gas appliances. This applies to the source of your gas, heat, hot water, and other heating and cooling functions.
Flexible Installation
You no longer need to worry where you will position all of your major appliances. This means that your heating and cooling systems, water heaters, and other sources of energy can be placed nearly anywhere in the home that you choose. They no longer have to be hooked up to a complex and unsafe series of gas pipes.
All-electrical homes can be run off the conventional local power grid or on a generator that you purchase for the task. Your utility bills will be cut down by a huge margin. Depending on your natural level of energy usage, you could be looking forward to a savings of hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars per year.
Spend Less Time on Utility Placement
Another major advantage of owning an all-electric home is that you will spend less time placing all of your utilities within the property. All-electric homes do not require heavy emphasis on minutely exact placements of gas piping and flues. They will not require you to spend hours or days installing complex venting systems for gas.
Not only are all-electric homes much easier to stock with utilities, but the process is also a great deal safer. You can quickly equip your home with electric utilities that will have a much better track record for safety, performance, and cost-efficiency than any other system. This will save you a great deal of time, energy, and money.
All-Electric Homes Are Far Easier to Inspect
One of the most dreaded days in any homeowner or home developer’s life is the arrival of a safety inspector. Owning an all-electric home will take most of the guesswork and dread out of the process of preparing for an inspection. Since an all-electric home doesn’t have any flues or piping, the process of inspection is far simpler.
This means that you won’t have to negotiate all of the hurdles that the owner of a conventional home has to deal with. Since there are no tedious and obsolete natural gas installations to inspect, your home can quickly receive a passing grade. And this means that it can much more easily and quickly be declared fit to live in.
Quick On The Market
The above-noted advantages bring us swiftly to our next major point. An all-electric home will tend to sell a great deal faster than a conventional one. This is partly because, as detailed above, all-electric homes can pass inspection much quicker. There is also the fact that they are much more efficient and more cost-effective.
Because of these major advantages, all-electric homes are catching on fast with the general public. While the average home buyer may not understand every single intrinsic advantage that comes with owning an all-electric home, they definitely understand improved safety and convenience. And they will warm to the concept of saving money.
It should also be noted that all-electric homes can be bought for a much lower price than conventional gas-powered homes. This will be a major selling point. It may, in fact, be one of the key features, that renders buying a home possible for people who may have thought that their level of income was not sufficient to consider the idea.
The Future of Home Building is All-Electric
For all of the reasons listed above, plus others that are too numerous to list, it’s clear that all-electric homes are here to stay. They offer a long list of advantages that no previous style of home can hope to match, much less exceed. They are bound to become more prevalent on the market as they become more popular with home buyers.
Now is the time for you to learn more about these amazing new all-electric homes and how you can benefit from owning one. If you are a home developer, this is the type of property you need to be investing time, energy, and money in. The time to get on the all-electric bandwagon is now and your opportunity to score huge is here.