You’re giving your body the best that you can give it. You exercise, eat right, and want your skin to have a fresh healthy glow. Because you’re giving your body the best and working it hard, the natural by-product of all the work is sweat. You understand that sweating equals calories burnt which also gets rid of toxins, but what can you do if you’re unable to exercise due to injury or a busy work schedule?

If this is you, don’t fret because there is a great healthy way to sweat out toxins and other impurities even if you’re injured—that is using the best infrared sauna. We’ll discuss here what the sauna does and how often you can use one. In a nutshell, an infrared sauna helps your body release toxins such as heavy metals like mercury using infrared heats that emit infrared light turning it into radiant heat absorbed by the skin.
The infrared light is created in the infrared electromagnetic field of the human body to aid in the elimination of skin impurities and other toxins [1]. The process of using an infrared sauna are six-fold:
- Relaxation
- Detoxification
- Weight Loss
- Pain Relief
- Improved Blood Circulation
- Skin Purification
Are there different treatment levels for the sauna?
Skin treatments using infrared saunas can be done using several different levels to reach the desired intensity of the treatment, these levels are as follows:
- Near
- Middle
- Far
The above set levels have different sized infrared wavelengths which provide different levels of skin repair. In general, the near infrared level aids in wound healing creating improved immune function. With the middle infrared level, skin blood flow increases while far infrared simulates the body’s detox process.
Now that you understand what an infrared sauna does, here’s what you need to know about how often to use it.

How often can I use an infrared sauna?
As with any process that seeks to aid the skin, it is important to consider your general skin condition and what you hope to get out of the treatment which will help you streamline time frames for infrared sauna use. There aren’t hard and fast rules to the optimal use of the sauna, but you should understand that the sauna is safe to be used every day.
If you’re new to using an infrared sauna, you could put together a schedule based around your skin and body’s health needs, but remember to begin slowly to allow your body to adjust to the light and heat settings. A sample treatment schedule could be beginning with four-minute sessions at 160-180 degrees Fahrenheit and then increase session intervals to between 15 to 30 minutes each.
Going at this pace will match you with the average session times which is with most people about 30 – 40 minutes at three to four times a week. Remember that it takes time for your body to adjust to different sessions, so allow yourself to become acclimatized to the sauna environment, stay hydrated, and give yourself proper time to cool down because after a session you may discover that you’re still sweating heavily.
After a session, you should feel more invigorated and ready to face your day. Bodies lose electrolytes when sweating, so the advice of staying hydrated must be heeded in order to make the most of your infrared sauna session. Giving your skin what it needs to continue to look dewy, smooth, and moist is just one of the many benefits of using an infrared sauna. Be sure to create the time schedule that fits for you and you’ll be well on your way to seeing these benefits in no time.
Of course, if you’re looking to purchase an infrared sauna, we have you covered. Check out our homepage for all there is to know about this great home spa product.